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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1,000 Posts

This post marks a significant milestone for 'The Twitch'.  It's my 1,000th post.  When I started the site in September of 2009, it was with the intention of making it an online journal of sorts to document my newly diagnosed Tourette's Syndrome and PTSD.  I never would have thought that, two and a half years later, the page would have changed in the ways that it has to become was it is today.

In my 36 years of life, I have not followed through with 1,000 of anything.  I have consistently, time after time, given up when things have gotten difficult or required more effort than I was willing to put into it.  Piano lessons.  Saxophone lessons.  There was even a time in my early twenties, when I paid a year's worth of rental fees for a cello up front, with the intention of learning to play it.  It made for an interesting conversation piece to impress the ladies.  Multiple guitars.  Dozens of books, magazines and video games I have never finished.  To see that I am writing my thousandth post is truly surprising to see.  'The Twitch' has become my baby - my job in a way.

That being said:  If you are a regular reader of the site, or a friend of mine on Facebook, you've probably noticed the lack of posts coming from the website in recent weeks.  In September, I posted 118 articles.  In October, 80.  November and December saw less than two dozen each.  It's the 7th of February, and this is my first post of 2012.  Well, let's just say that my head isn't in the right place.

It's really hard to explain.

As most of you know, I have been dealing with a number of medical issues over the last year or so.  Lately, things have been seriously affecting my brain.  It has become increasingly difficult to express a coherent thought.

Writing seems to be easier than talking.  Still, during a large part of the day, I have trouble reading and spelling even the simplest of words.  It's extremely frustrating, considering that in the past, I was writing as many as a dozen posts per day.

In the coming days, I'm hoping to get myself motivated enough to start writing again on a semi-regular basis.  I have quite a bit to explain concerning my medical situation.  I have a number of new issues that will likely require a couple of major surgeries this year.  It's going to be a very long post, and I'm not really in the mood at the moment to write at length about what's keeping me bedridden.  Let's just say that it's not good.

As I was writing that last paragraph, this song started playing on Pandora.  I've heard it hundreds of times. It's one of my favorite tunes.  This time, however, the words took on a different meaning to me.  I'll be honest:  I cried a bit.


Rachel said...

Welcome back! And Congrats on 1000! I have loved coming on this journey with you and hope it keeps on truckin' for a long long time. I raise my glass of coffee to you (I'll raise a beer later, it's a bit early for that now)! Cheers!

Anonyvox said...

Get better, you. I'm always glad to see an update.