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Saturday, September 26, 2009

NO!!! No Psych For You!!!

I was in the waiting room of my psychiatrist's office yesterday, dealing with my crisis, and there was another guy on the other side of the room I couldn't help but notice.

Him: Clean shaven, khakis, button up shirt, mid 40s, nice shoes

Me: Haven't shaved this week, same shorts and T-shirt I wore the day before, flip flops

Him: Doing Crossword in PEN. IN FUCKING PEN!!!!!

Me: Blankly staring at a picture of Matt Damon on a random page of Esquire Magazine.

He goes in before me. I walk over to his seat and notice that his crossword is absolutely correct. No mistakes, nothing crossed out. ASSHOLE. I'm so fucked up in the head my wife had to drive me here and HE'S DOING HIS CROSSWORD WITH A FUCKING PEN?!?!?

You know, I could do crossword too. With a pen. Example:

4 Across: Leo's Role in 'Titanic' 4 Letters = FUCK
7 Down: Stamos of 'Full House' 4 Letters = FUCK
19 Across: Willis of 'Die Hard' 5 Letters = FUUCK
23 Down: 16th President of US Abe 7 Letters = FUUUUCK

Get the point?

So...guy comes out from his visit. He goes to the receptionist to schedule his next appointment. He says, "I need to schedule an appointment for six months out."

"Is May 25th OK? It's a Thursday"

"Yeah. That sounds good".

"Two O'clock"?


"Do you need a reminder card"?

"Oh no. I'll remember it".