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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update On Walmart's Failed Negligent Homicide Of My Family

I wrote an article on Sunday on how due to Walmart's negligence, my family could have easily died in a horrific fiery accident.  Our Scion is so damaged, that the local Toyota dealership refuses to release it to us without the repairs being made.  Otherwise, if we were to drive it, and get in an accident, the dealership would be liable.

The Walmart location that initially replaced our tire, and caused the damage to our car, filed a claim with their insurance company.  The claim would also take care of the rental car that we were renting from the dealership.  Between the repairs and the rental, Walmart should have been responsible for approximately $1,000.

Well, we received a phone call this morning from Walmart's agent.  They said that since Toyota is unable to prove that the damage to our car was made by their error.  In their opinion, it could have just as easily been done at the time of the tire's blowout.

So....we owe a grand on a car that is days away from being repossessed.  Not to mention the fact that our tags expire on Saturday.  That's another $180.00.

Come on!!!  What else you got?!?  (not like we have the money or patience to deal with any of that shit)