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Monday, April 25, 2011

A Two Year Old's "To Do List"

Earlier today, I had an appointment at the hospital downtown for a couple of tests to rule out possible conditions that may be causing my "mystery illness". I was there for approximately a little more than four hours, and had an SSEP, as well as a Doppler procedure on the arteries and veins on my legs.  From what I understand, my little girl was, to say the least, a handful.

On the way home, my wife and I were talking about what we had planned for the rest of the day.  Lennon suddenly piped up from her car seat and declared her "To Do List" for the day, as follows:

  1. Climb up the stairs when we get home.
  2. Put Star Kitty (her best friend/favorite stuffed animal) to bed for a nap.
  3. Climb the trees.
  4. Save the monkeys.
  5. Save ALL the pandas.
Goddamn.  And to think, all I really have to do is take out the trash today.