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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Pope's Tweets

As some of you may know, Pope Benedict XVI sent his first tweet last week from his official Twitter account.  The Vatican is trying to get the pontiff involved in social media to make him appear up-to-date to Catholics in the 21st century.  How 140 characters can make an 84 year old celibate priest come across as "modern" I'll never know.  But I digress...

Paul Rudnick has an article in next week's New Yorker magazine detailing some of the more amusing tweets from God's "Right Hand Man":
"During a papal audience, I put folks at ease by asking, “Are you gay?” Then I say, “Kidding!” Then I go, “No, seriously, are you gay?” 
"It’s hard to tell all the cardinals apart, so sometimes I put different dinosaur stickers on their backs."
"Certain Christians think that they have to attend church only on Christmas and Easter, and I have a word for those people: lucky."
"Whenever people doubt that angels are real, I ask them, “Excuse me, but have you seen the Jonas Brothers in concert?”
"Every day I offer up a special prayer for the entire Kardashian family, but the next morning they’re always still alive."
And my personal favorite...
"Nancy Grace: perfect name for a gay Pope?"


kate said...

I do believe I"m going to have to steal this for Facebook. LOVE.