Fellowship Church, a megachurch in the Dallas, Texas, area, is holding a "Men's Conference" at the end of September. According to their website, it promises "2 days of testosterone fueled MAN STUFF(Their capitalization, not mine). Combining intensity, entertainment, teaching and worship; it’s the kind of weekend that will make you high five a total stranger!" This is their ad:
Yes, for only $35 in advance, (ticket prices go up September 5th) you and your slack-jawed Christian Neanderthal friends can arm wrestle, participate in strong man competitions and play basketball...all while being saved by Christ!
This off shoot of modern Christianity has its roots in something called Muscular Christianity. It started in the late 19th century as a way to recruit men, by using sports as a way to express moral values, such as discipline and manliness. Interestingly enough, the movement has some of it's roots in Nazi Germany. Go figure.
I guess their interpretation of the Bible is that Jesus and the 12 disciples played some Texas Hold'em, and healed the sick between practicing their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves. The compassion, mercy and love stuff? Who do you think Jesus was...some kind of queer?
Yes, for only $35 in advance, (ticket prices go up September 5th) you and your slack-jawed Christian Neanderthal friends can arm wrestle, participate in strong man competitions and play basketball...all while being saved by Christ!
This off shoot of modern Christianity has its roots in something called Muscular Christianity. It started in the late 19th century as a way to recruit men, by using sports as a way to express moral values, such as discipline and manliness. Interestingly enough, the movement has some of it's roots in Nazi Germany. Go figure.
I guess their interpretation of the Bible is that Jesus and the 12 disciples played some Texas Hold'em, and healed the sick between practicing their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves. The compassion, mercy and love stuff? Who do you think Jesus was...some kind of queer?
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