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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Somehow This Is Funny To People

According to popular opinion in the world, this seems to be the funniest viral video on the web at the moment. This 4:02 video of a man that is so drunk, he can't even walk the twenty feet required to get to the cooler to buy more beer, has received almost 2.2 million hits, and has been tweaked and remixed to feature a variety of funny or inappropriate soundtracks to go along with the video.

What's even sadder to me than this man falling over shelves, knocking things over, falling and being unable to get up, is that no one assists him. They ignore him. Finally, at about 3:45 into the clip, an older gentleman tries to help him, to no avail. No one knows who this guy is, but most comments on Youtube are along the lines of, "Man, that's hilarious", instead of "I hope that guy is alright".

It's depressing that in today's society, seeing a man fall over himself at 10 in the morning, trying to get more beer brings on laughter, instead of pity. People email their friend with a link of the clip instead of a link to Alcoholics Anonymous. People help their friends out on Friday night by blowing into their State ordered breathalyzer ignition system after going out, instead of helping them check into rehab.

People say that I have a sick sense of humor, but even I have my limits.