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Sunday, October 11, 2009

One Small Leak For My Daughter, One Giant Leap For Parenthood

My daughter, Lennon, turned 17 months old today. Over the last six weeks or so, she has been showing signs that she is ready to start potty training. We went to Ikea about a month or so ago and bought a cute little pink "big girl potty" for her to use.

For the last month, she has thought it was everything from a seat to watch TV in, to a step stool. She just didn't get it...until this last week or so. For roughly the last 10 days, every time she had to go to the bathroom, or just went, she would strip naked. It was like living with a midgit nudist. Funny as all hell, but inappropriate.

When she starts taking her diaper off, that's our que to grab the pink "big girl potty" and try to get her to use it. No success. One night she farted in it. We laughed and applauded. She got so excited, she stood up and took a dump on our living room carpet. Last night, right before bed time, she was sitting on her potty and proceeded to stand up, walk over to the borrowed copy of "Where the Wild Things Are" (See post 'Where The Wild Things Are' dated 10/6/2009)....yes that one, squat and piss ON a "Wild Thing". I now have to call the library to see what the process is to purchase a urinated on children's book.

That brings us to today. I am in the kitchen. My wife is with the baby in Lennon's room. Jessi starts screaming, "Adam, bring M&Ms!!!" I yell back, "What?! We don't have any. What the hell for?"

"Come here".

I ran into Lennon's room and there stood my daughter pointing at a small puddle of orange liquid in a pink plastic bowl. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I didn't have any M&Ms to give her, but we did have quite a few hugs and high fives. Way to go big girl.