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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Peek At 'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes'

OK.  I wasn't even aware that this was in the pipeline until I saw this video today.  Apparently, a prequel to 'Planet of the Apes' is in post-production, starring James Franco, Frida Pinto, and John Lithgow.  It is currently slated for release in August.  The studio has decided to finally do away with the cumbersome and time consuming process of prosthetics and latex masks, and go full CGI when it comes to modelling the apes.

Andy Serkis is cast as the role of Cesar, an ape with extreme intelligence (originally played by Roddy McDowall).  Serkis is a veteran of acting under the constraints of motion capture.  He played Gollum/Smeagol for the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, and also was the actor behind the CG version of King Kong.  The video of Cesar that was released today was only a peek, five seconds in all, but gives a real glimpse as to what technicians are capable of with the right tools.

Cesar was one of the good guys in the original 'Planet of the Apes' films.  This time around he doesn't seem so nice.  I'm really looking forward to seeing more from the film.  Hopefully, it can make us forget of the Mark Wahlberg disaster ten years ago.