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Monday, September 13, 2010

New Bisexual Ad From Ikea

The following is an ad that recently started running in Austria, from furniture behemoth, Ikea.  I liked it...thought it was cute.  So far today, I've seen the ad on three blogs, all calling it a "gay" ad.  People are already calling it anti-gay and saying that it is a commercial about a "closeted heterosexual".  I see it differently.

The main male character in the commercial is bi.  He is not a closeted heterosexual, nor is he gay.  Infidelity is infidelity regardless of sexual orientation, but to me, this commercial would be no different if it were the lady's husband that came home early.  Ikea was trying to be clever and original.  In that way, they succeeded. I am proud to be one of their customers.

It has always been a pet peeve of mine the way that bisexuals are portrayed in the media, and in the LGBT community itself.  People try to force us to choose a side.  We have to be either gay or straight.  If you're bi, and especially if you're a female, you're portrayed simply as a slut.  And when it comes to the male bisexual, you would think they don't exist.  They seem to have a mythical reputation.  Let me tell you, they exist.  I am one of them, and I am happy to see us represented in mainstream advertising.  It's about time.