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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

O'Donnell: Gays Suffer From An "Identity Disorder"

Christine O'Donnell has a history of making ignorant, homophobic claims.  In the past, she has said that the government spent too much money on AIDS and that "gays get away with so much".  She's blamed many of her early quotes on "youthful excesses".  However, in 2006, O'Donnell made perhaps the most anti-gay comment of her political career.  In an interview with the Wilmington News Journal, she said the following:
"People are created in God's image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder."
Implying that being gay or lesbian is a psychological disorder shows a level of ignorance that hasn't been seen in decades.  Until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality to be a disease.  Since then, they have come to the realization that homosexuality is not a disease.  In fact, one cannot choose whether they are gay or not.

Comments like this are akin to lumping homosexuality in with pedophilia and bestiality.  They are the views of an extremist, and do nothing but alienate people while instigating fear and intolerance.

With all the media attention on Christine O'Donnell,  her opponent, Chris Coons, has practically been forgotten about.  For those interested, I have posted one of Mr. Coons' TV ads below.  Remember to vote and send the extremists home this November.