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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two Word Tuesday

"Belly Buttons"

Have you ever seen a painting of Adam & Eve without belly buttons?

If they were direct creations of God, made of "dust", they would not have had umbilical cords.  They came from no womb.

So did dozens of Renaissance era artists simply "forget" this information?

Or did they not believe in the church taught BS, either?


s. brawn said...

Do witnesses believe they did not have belly buttons? I have not heard that before. They would have had to have had them for them to pass this physical trait to their off spring. And. Eve would have definately had one to carry any child in the womb.

Adam Black said...

The only purpose a belly button plays in the reproductive cycle, is that it is the point in which the umbilical cord attaches to the fetus in the mother's uterus to deliver nutrients to the unborn baby. Other than that, it is purely cosmetic. Plastic surgeons create new ones everyday.

In theory, no Christian should believe that Adam and Eve had navels. Adam and Eve were supposedly created directly by god. They were not in utero. Adam "came from dust" and Eve was created by taking one of Adam's ribs(allegedly). Since neither of them were born from a woman, they were never attached to an umbilical cord at any time, hence no belly buttons. I'm surprised this isn't discussed more in religious conversation.

Belly buttons aren't a "physical trait", they're an inevitability. It's impossible to be born without one, unless you were never "born" in a traditional way to begin with (spontaneously created by a spirit being, out of dirt).

Hope that explains the nature of the post a little bit more.