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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Michele Bachmann Has A Bondage Fetish

A number of bloggers have noticed a trend with Michele Bachmann.  She likes to talk about slavery...a lot.  In fact, she has likened practically everything in the news to either slavery or bondage.  Take a look...

Links courtesy of I'm With Kanye:

A couple of weeks ago, Bachmann signed a pledge from The Family Leader.  It was a "Marriage Vow", that was against homosexuality, pornography, Sharia Law and even putting female soldiers into combat scenarios. The first paragraph of the vow said the following:
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."
Disgusting, right?  Well, when the media started ripping her apart for signing such a racist thing, Bachmann claimed that she didn't read that paragraph, depite the fact that it was at the top of the first page and bullet pointed.  Her camp said,
"She signed the 'candidate vow.' In no uncertain terms, Congresswoman Bachmann believes that slavery was horrible and economic enslavement is also horrible."
Could she have just apologized?  Did she have to liken our current economic condition to our nation's unforgivable history of rape, torture and brutality?  Really?

But that's not all.  As I have reported earlier, at a conference in November of 2004, Michelle Bachmann said the following in regards to homosexuality:
"If you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage.  It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.  And that's why this is so dangerous.  It's a very sad life.  It's part of Satan, I think, to say that it is gay.  It's anything but gay."
So, just to keep track, our economy and homosexuality are both slavery.  Let's not forget slavery slavery.  That's pretty bad, too.

When speaking to a crowd in Colorado in 2009, Bachmann said about the Health Care Reform bill:
"This is slavery…It’s nothing more than slavery.”
Again, with the slavery bit?  It didn't stop there.  In January of this year, in reference to the National Debt, she said:
“It is a slavery, it is a slavery that is a bondage to debt and a bondage to decline.”
 I'm starting to think that she has a bit of a bondage fetish.  Freudian slip, maybe?  Stephen Colbert provides some insight on the topic: