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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann Likes Celery?

'The Brody File', a talk show on the Christian Broadcasting Network, showed an interview with Michele Bachmann today, in which she professed her love for her favorite stalky green vegetable.  Sure.  With all of the bullshit that her and her husband appear to be involved in, why wouldn't America want to know what her favorite food is?  That's what you call "hitting the issues that matter most to the American voter" as far as CBN is concerned.  Here is verbatim what she said:
“I will tell you my favorite food of all time is celery. Honest to God my favorite food is celery. Straight up celery. I will personally consume the entire stalk of celery. At the Thanksgiving table I have the plate of celery in front of me. I know it’s strange. It’s my favorite food.”
Hey Bachmann.  You're not doing that well of a job trying to prove to the world that you're not batshit crazy.  Just sayin'.