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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Photo Of The Day

If you live in New York City, rats are part of the territory.  Sadly, there is no way to avoid them.  But, this is ridiculous.

The rat, killed Wednesday in a housing project in Brooklyn, is approximately three feet long.  Experts believe that it is a pet rat that was at one time imported from Gambia.  They're unable to reproduce.  The worst part of the story:  the Housing Authority worker that killed it said there were two more just as big that got away.


In related news, there are tens of millions of rats that call the New York City subway system their home.  As Hurricane Irene approaches within the next 24 hours, many city officials realize that there is a distinct possibility that part of the subway network may be flooded after she passes overhead.  With that in mind, an MTA official announced yesterday to expect the possibility of millions of subway rats "seeking higher ground".  Lovely.

Maybe New York City should just change it's name to the Fire Swamp.